Friday, May 16, 2008

malam semalam penyu menangis

i have never been so sad eversince the arrival of Hamzah. But yesterday i cried like a baby when i sent Hamzah to the babysitter's house. A mom will always be a mom eh? Although it was normal for me to go to meetings and leave the kids this was way different since he was the only one left behind. i puked twice most probably due to the upset ness and partly because we had to fetch MIL from Jus before we leave for penang. Anyway we arrived safely in Penang at 5 a. m. I am now so very...
[ continue - penyu ]

Another related posts below:

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  2. Monster. Athma. Learned!
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  3. Do you remember
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  4. Teacher's day
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    [ continue - penyu ]

  5. Guess Who I Met Online
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  7. Kuta Beach
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