Thursday, May 15, 2008

Embrassing memory.

Embrassing memory. the writer of this article is Yo i plagarised dis from her blog.. watak watak.. me Rini boss yo yo boss n mala malabaris rindunyeerrr kat korang!!!!! yo.. cepat laa abes kan yo pny phD tu.. so lepas ni bole la org amek yo jd supervisor org ble org nk smbg master nnthehehe n this is her article she is a good writer bout stupid things we had done masa kat uni dulu7 years agocepatnye masa berlalu I only recently know that if you don t pay your...
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Another related posts below:

  1. Gong
    A gong is drum like brass musical instrument used in traditional music. A single strike will emit a gonnngggg sound with a rippling echo. Berdengung I think is apt to describe the effect. Beating of a gong is now extensively used to signify opening of events like the opening of an upacara or like starting of trading day on the Bursa KLSE . In the old movies a gong is sounded just prior to a proclamation normally reading of a king s order. Old Malay hikayat this one Hikayat Awang Sulong...
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  2. Endangered Sumatran elephant population is dwindling
    Endangered Sumatran elephant population is dwindling 10 Mei 2008 oleh oyoshn Oyos Saroso H. N. Bandarlampung Lampung The endangered Sumatran elephant population is dwindling as their natural habitat in protected forests in Lampung province have been diminished by both illegal logging and poaching. Poaching of rare animals in South Bukit Barisan National Park TNBBS and Way Kambas National Park is increasing in frequency due to loose supervision by forestry officials and par...
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  3. Thursday Super Outing
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  4. Diet Journal Day 3
    Breakfast Half a sausage. One chicken nugget. A Currypuff. A mug of nescafe Lunch Kacang Panjang Kobis Carrot Stir fried. Tempe 4 small pieces. Ikan kembung goreng. Tea 2 kuih cucur badak and a sandwich Ini makanan meeting hehe Dinner 2 pieces of roti john and a pear This is a busy day meal. I would love to have some healthy vege soup but who actually has the time to actually sit down slurping soup? I notice that there s a lot of fried food but I guess that s just a malay thing you...
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  5. Mt. Gede Pangrango The Rich Diversity of Mountain Forest
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