Thursday, May 15, 2008

harimau Kumbang!!!!!!!

i've been adding too many things UP there and i find it too CRAM! oh well as long as you people can see im HAPPY!. its getting boring day by day at home now yow! Kakak is "enjoying" her new job now at AMRO while im still "enjoying" the never ending holiday at home! HAHA. She called me up just now after she get back from work and like always wanting me join her there. face the fact Kak your just cant leave without me! HAHAHA. wadever it is Montly pay dont forgt me hor!! woke up pretty "...
[ continue - harimau ]

Another related posts below:

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  2. whyWE ARE LAZY
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    [ continue - harimau ]

  5. one fell in love one fell out of love
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    [ continue - harimau ]

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  7. Revision flowtag Tk
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